Art Bell, Interviewed by Art Bell


Art Bell is the author of his forthcoming memoir “Constant Comedy: How I Started Comedy Central and Lost My Sense of Humor.” He was interviewed on March 9th by Art Bell, who is the author of his forthcoming memoir “Constant Comedy: How I Started Comedy Central and Lost My Sense of Humor.”

Art Bell (interviewer): Hi. I’m Art Bell. I’m here with Art Bell, the author of the forthcoming memoir, Constant Comedy: How I Started Comedy Central and Lost My Sense of Humor. Welcome. Mr. Bell, I’d like to start…

Art Bell(subject): Please, call me Art.

AB: …Art, how is it that you’ve come to interview yourself?

AB: Who better? I mean, the first rule of interviewing is “know thy person you’re interviewing.” Nobody knows me like me.

AB: Ahem. Aren’t you married?

AB: Alright, nobody knows me like me except for my wife. Touché.

AB: Your wife is named Touché?

AB: No. I said touche as a flourish. My wife is named Carrie.

AB: I know--I was just having a little fun with you, Art. Let’s talk about your memoir, Constant Comedy. What inspired you to write it?

AB: Two things. First, I thought people might be interested to know how Comedy Central got started. When I first presented my plan , there was a lot of skepticism about an “all-comedy channel.” Many people thought it was a stupid idea.

AB: Really? I would have thought it would be embraced by everyone immediately.

AB: You are kidding, right? (Laughs) People thought it was a crazy idea, and by extension, that I was crazy!

AB: How did that make you feel?

AB: Suddenly you’re my therapist? It made me feel TERRIBLE!

AB: But you persevered. Good for you.

AB: My therapist would never say “good for you.” He’s pretty critical, actually. More critical than my first grade teacher, and man, she could take me apart like nobody else! I made it to second grade by the skin of my teeth!

AB: Can we get back to your memoir? You said there were two reasons you wrote it.

AB: Did I? That’s funny, I can only think of the one.

AB: Speaking of funny, did the experience starting the channel really cause you to lose your sense of humor?

AB: I’m sorry?

AB: The subtitle of the book is: How I Started Comedy Central…”

AB: Yes, right, “and Lost My Sense of Humor.” I would have to say yes, I did, but in time it came back.

AB: You say “in time” it came back. How long did it take before you regained your sense of humor?

AB: Well, let’s see. My last day at the Comedy Central was a Wednesday. That night, right before I fell asleep, I thought of something funny but I DIDN’T LAUGH! The next morning, I woke up and remembered the funny thing and started laughing. So I guess, let’s see, I lost my sense of humor for, what, about eight hours? No, wait, nine. Yes, nine hours.

AB: Well, you were asleep, so that’s not really…

AB (interrupting): No, hold it, It was eight… I think. Definitely eight hours. Not nine.

AB: I see by the clock I that we’re almost out of time. But I must say you are the most fascinating person I ever interviewed. And I say that not just because I’m interviewing myself. Thank you for this unique opportunity.

AB: You’re welcome. Should we do this again sometime?

AB: Sometime? We can do this constantly because we are the same person.

AB: You’re right! Well, I enjoyed being interviewed by you. I love you, man. Can I have a hug?

AB: I don’t see how.